Our advantages
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Fast Quotation: provide feedback to customers at the first time and try our best to get the best price for customers.

Delivery in Time: schedule the shipping according to the customers’ requirements and try our best to make sure every delivery is correct and without delay.

Competitive Prices: not bound by customers or projects, we can get the most competitive prices through “group buying” and “scheduling POs”.

No Limit to Quantity: for non-dedicated parts we can waive the rule of SPQ (Small Production Quantity) and MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity), in this way we can meet customers’ needs for non-standard packaging and help customers avoid overstocking.

Secure Stock: for customers which we have a long-term and stable relationship with, we can stock up regularly demanded products for up to 2 to 3 months to avoid stockout in a short time.

Flexible Cooperation: we are flexible in meeting customers’ various requirements for the methods of delivery – deliver in HK and pay in USD or deliver in China Mainland and pay tax.

Credit Period Support: customers do not need to provide complex financial statements, as we can allow for a certain credit period based on our good understanding of the customer’s credit of payment.
